Saturday 1 November 2014

Autumn Favourites

Hiya guys,

I've kinda been gone a month because of school and that but I hope to be a bit more consistent with the posts from now on. So I thought I would do an autumn/fall favourites post, nothing too fancy as its 12pm right now but yeah here we go....

1. Being able to wear dark coloured eyeshadows and lipsticks. I much prefer wearing darker make up so when autumn comes it makes me super happy as I can wear deep reds and purple-ish colours without looking completely ridiculous.

2. The colours! Carrying on from no.1, I love the fiery colours from all the leaves changing colour. Even though the leaves are dying they do it in a beautiful way yanno haha.

3. Snugly nights in. There is nothing more I like than wrapping myself up in my duvet and watching a little bit of gossip girl or the vampire diaries. Oooh lovely!

4. The candles! I'm one of those candle obsessed people (sorry not sorry) and I find that the smells from the autumn and winter candles are waaay better than the spring and summer ones however this might just be due to taste.

5. Halloween, of course! I love dressing up and seeing everyone else dressed up at halloween it's just fab haha :)

So those are my favourite things, what are yours? Do you agree or disagree with some of these things? Tell me in the comments below!

Lots of love,

Abbie xx